Design-Mug-Drishti2013-Golden-EyeNature is a gift but without sight it is like an empty cup. Share your gift, DONATE NOW


The Mug:

When a message is permanently displayed it loses it impact as people get used do it. Hence the idea of a thermogenic message which aperas on the cup after hot water is poured into it..the idea is to emphasize the awakening of the mind’s eye during a tea break which is basically a free/relaxing time, a time where action can be taken to donate.

The Image:

The photographed is of Khass Plateau during it blooming period which last around 15 days in a year and limited to 2000 people a was a privilege to shoot at this spot and privilege which should be shared amongst those with sight and can’t see the beauty of the place as well as those who are entirely in the dark.

The Future:

The versatility of the project is that the image can change from different states but the message remains constant so it can have photographs from different places in India like Kerala/Delhi but with images of beauty which occur for a short.


Nelvin A. Dsouza – based in Goa is a owner of Design Waters, and a designer specialise in architectural design, sustainability, photography, design.