One Donation Two Life – Drishti 2012:Silver Eye Winner film

Drishti 2012 : Silver Eye Winner film

Duration: 03.30
Director: Aanchal Arora 

About the Film

Language: English

Film about Eye Donation, what people know about eye donation, if they are aware of eye donation, how they feel and over come fear. How we put them in a recievers shoe only then do they change their mind. A basic interview documentary film.


VIZHIGAL – Drishti 2011: Silver Eye Winner film

Duration: 6.27
Director: Aravind J

About the Film

Language: Tamil / English

VIZHIGAL a short film  and theme song was created to bring eye donation awareness among the people. A normal person couldn’t able to watch /face a colour less dark screen not even less than a minute, but a visually challenged person’s life is always in darkness . So, this movie was created to bring the awareness about EYE DONATION.  This short film also has a theme song for eye donation carries a message DO NOT BURY  DONATE EYES.

Vizhial portrays a life a group of a friends, in which a person helps a blind person to go to a hospital and he realises the difficulties of the blind person and decides to donate eyes and make his friends also to do the same.